PilotDiscovery.com is a resource for aviation enthusiasts, published and managed by aviation enthusiasts. Whether you are an aspiring pilot, aviation is your hobby, or you are contemplating aviation as a career, our aim is to provide you with useful information that can help enrich your aviation experience.

Established 2021: PilotDiscovery.com was established in 2021, with the goal of providing our personal insights, drawing from our experience, as we endeavor to share helpful tips and tricks, advice and admonitions, to our fellow pilots in the general aviation community. We are not a team of commercial airline pilots. We are a team of general aviation pilots seeking to help pique people’s interest in aviation, and help provide some helpful insights and unique perspectives that might help you along the way.

Join us, as we explore various topics of interest to pilots at all stages in their aviation journey:

We are always looking for more writers to join our team. Inquire with us, if you are interested, at info@pilotdiscovery.com.

Meet Our Editorial Staff: