Sport vs Private Pilot Licenses: What Are The Differences?

If you are looking to make a foray into the world of general aviation, there are a number of options, the two most common of which are the private pilot license and the sport pilot license. The pursuit of either one of these will open the doors (and the skies) for you to become a […]
What Planes Can You Fly Without a Pilot License?

It is a commonly known fact that you need a pilot’s license in order to fly airplanes. However, what is not as commonly known is that not all aircraft require a license to fly. Indeed, unbeknownst to most people, there are certain aircraft that you are allowed to fly, without first obtaining a pilot license. […]
Can pilots let passengers fly the airplane?

Let’s say you’ve got your private pilot license, or even your commercial pilot license, and you are bringing a passenger, who is sitting in the front seat alongside you. Let’s say, just for the fun of it, you would like to give your passenger a taste of what it is like to fly an airplane. […]