Do you need to be physically fit to become a pilot?

Among the most important assets that every pilot possesses is their health. Physical fitness is of paramount importance to be a thriving, competent, and successful aviator. The FAA requires that all pilots must not only successfully pass periodic medical exams in order to earn their license, and to maintain their license in good standing, but […]
Is a Recreational Pilot License Worth It?

The recreational pilot license is a viable alternative for aspiring pilots for whom the pursuit of a standard pilot license may otherwise be untenable. Whether this is by choice or whether it is due to life circumstances imposed upon them, the fact of the matter is that the recreational pilot license can help bridge this […]
What Age Is Too Late To Become A Pilot?

Once you obtain your private pilot license, you join an exclusive club. This exclusive club comes with a lifetime membership. Once you get your pilot license, you are a pilot for life. Barring any circumstances which involve violating one or more FAA regulations, your pilot license can never be revoked. While the FAA does not […]
Sport vs Private Pilot Licenses: What Are The Differences?

If you are looking to make a foray into the world of general aviation, there are a number of options, the two most common of which are the private pilot license and the sport pilot license. The pursuit of either one of these will open the doors (and the skies) for you to become a […]
What Planes Can You Fly Without a Pilot License?

It is a commonly known fact that you need a pilot’s license in order to fly airplanes. However, what is not as commonly known is that not all aircraft require a license to fly. Indeed, unbeknownst to most people, there are certain aircraft that you are allowed to fly, without first obtaining a pilot license. […]
Can pilots let passengers fly the airplane?

Let’s say you’ve got your private pilot license, or even your commercial pilot license, and you are bringing a passenger, who is sitting in the front seat alongside you. Let’s say, just for the fun of it, you would like to give your passenger a taste of what it is like to fly an airplane. […]
How Can Pilots Make Their Passengers Comfortable In Flight?

Once you get your private pilot license, you no doubt will be looking to share your love of flying with your family or friends. You’ve got the bragging rights to having joined the ranks of an exclusive community of aviators. So it’s only natural that you would be itching to show off your newly minted […]
What does VFR Flight Following Provide?

VFR flight following can make the difference between a good VFR flight and a great VFR flight experience. While it is entirely optional, it can serve as a boon for pilots looking for increased safety and navigational guidance during VFR flight. VFR flight following is an opt-in service for VFR pilots, whereby Air Traffic Control […]
What do you do if you get lost while flying?

In this day and age, with all of the advances in modern technology at our disposal, such as GPS and electronic navigation systems, it may seem incredulous that pilots could still lose their bearings and get lost while flying. However, it can and still does happen, believe it or not. Sometimes it is due to […]
Is The WINGS Program Worth It?

The aviation community is divided into two camps on the issue of flight proficiency: There are those who favor the biennial flight review (BFR), and there are those who favor the WINGS Program. The promotion of the WINGS Program as an alternative to the traditional BFR is the subject of debate amongst aviation circles. The […]