Can You Fail A Biennial Flight Review?

The biennial flight review can be a veritable cause of trepidation for many pilots. This is particularly the case for those pilots who haven’t flown in a while and who might be a tad bit rusty with respect to both their knowledge and with respect to their practical experience in the cockpit. If this describes […]
Can People With ADHD Become Pilots?

On face value, ADHD can be perceived, by many medical professionals, as a clinical condition that intrinsically impairs a pilot’s fitness to fly. While there may justifiably be grounds under which ADHD may render a pilot medically unqualified to fly, the question remains as to whether or not it is truly as debilitating as it […]
Can You Be A Pilot With A Thyroid Problem?

Thyroid problems have been a perennial question mark with respect to a pilot’s fitness to fly, since the early days of FAA medical standards enforcement. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism specifically have been targeted and singled out as medical conditions that require some degree of heightened scrutiny when pilots seek to obtain their medical certification. While the FAA’s […]
Can You Become A Pilot With High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension, being the potentially debilitating disease that it is, garners a great deal of scrutiny, when it comes to a pilot’s physical well-being and capacity to operate an aircraft safely without posing a risk to passengers in the air, as well as to people and property on the ground. Known for its efforts at strictly […]
Can Diabetics Be Pilots?

Diabetes management is a contentious issue when it comes to physical fitness for flight. By virtue of its regulatory authority, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) painstakingly seeks to push the envelope in terms of enforcing and upholding the highest standards of aviation safety. Bearing the interests of the safety of the general public in mind, […]
Can Pilots Wear Hearing Aids?

One of the most common misconceptions about aviation is the question of whether hearing impairment is an impediment to being able to obtain or to avail yourself of the privileges of a pilot license. You may have heard (pun intended) that any type of hearing loss equates to an immediate and unconditional disqualification or disbarment […]
Can Pilots Wear Glasses, Contact Lenses, or Get LASIK Done?

One of the most common misconceptions about aviation is whether or not you can wear glasses, contact lenses, or even get LASIK done, and still be an airplane pilot. At first glance (pun intended), the answer may not seem so “clear-cut” (pun intended again). Yet the answer is actually hiding in plain sight (pun intended […]
Is Becoming A Pilot Dangerous?

In the mind of the average person, becoming a pilot may come across as an inherently dangerous activity. This impression is the product of a number of misconceptions, preconceived notions, misrepresentations and mischaracterizations of the facts with respect to aviation accidents, whenever they occur. Becoming a pilot is not inherently dangerous in and of itself. […]
Can You Make Money With A Private Pilot License?

Arguably among the most frequently sought after inquiries when it comes to aviation are questions surrounding how much money you can make as a pilot, and what it takes to become one. While the answer varies and depends on what are your short-term and long-term goals as a pilot, one thing must be made crystal […]
High-Wing or Low-Wing? Which Type of Airplane Should I Fly?

The debate over whether it is better to fly high-wing or low-wing aircraft is as old as the age of aviation itself. Both aircraft configurations have their own unique pros and their cons, and present different challenges to aviators, both while in the sky, as well as when on the ground. While it may be […]