What Are The Easiest And Safest Planes For Pilots To Fly?

Whether you are a student pilot yearning to earn your private pilot license, or you are a licensed private pilot seeking to share the thrill of flying with family and friends, you will inevitably have a question to answer: How do I make the experience of flying safe, enjoyable, and comfortable for my passengers? While […]
What Are The Steps Involved In Becoming A Commercial Pilot?

The journey to becoming a commercial pilot is demanding and arduous. It requires discipline, mental and physical fortitude, determination, persistence, and a growth mindset. As a general rule, becoming a commercial pilot requires you to pursue and obtain a series of intermediary aviation licenses and ratings, each progressively building upon one other (which can be […]
What Are Touch-And-Goes? Why Every Pilot Must Do Them Often

Touch-and-goes are one of the mainstays of every pilot’s education. It is one of the fundamental maneuvers that every pilot learns to perform during their flight training. It is a tool that helps pilots hone their proficiency with takeoffs and landings. The term “touch-and-go”, in aviation parlance, refers to the act of landing an airplane […]
How Long Does It Take To Become A Pilot?

Becoming a pilot is a serious commitment. It requires a significant investment of time, money, and effort, in order to succeed in achieving your aviation goals. It requires patience, focused discipline, attentiveness, and a growth mindset in order to not only become an aviator, but also in order to excel as one. Earning your private […]
The Different Types Of Pilots: What Kind Of Pilot Can I Be?

In the world of aviation, there isn’t just one type of pilot, just like there isn’t just one type of doctor. The title of “pilot” is an umbrella term that branches out to refer to a very diverse array of roles in aviation. You will find that different pilots are trained to fly different types […]
Is It Better To Rent Or Own An Airplane?

Where are you in your aviation journey? What are your short-term and long-term aviation goals? Where do you see aviation fitting into your lifestyle? Your answers to these questions can help you determine whether it makes more sense for you to buy your own airplane or to simply keep renting every time you fly. As […]
How To Get Your Pilot License On A Budget

Training to become a pilot is a costly undertaking. Between aircraft operating costs, instructor-led training, exams, study materials, and supplies, the costs can add up. However, with careful budgeting, an assessment of your flight training goals, and some strategic planning, it is possible for all or part of your flight training to be free, and […]
Is It Hard To Become A Pilot?

Becoming a pilot requires a growth mindset. It is an arduous and challenging endeavor that cultivates within you all of the essential qualities that this mindset encapsulates, namely perseverance, patience, discipline, problem-solving skills, and out-of-the-box thinking. Achieving the coveted status of licensed pilot ushers in a whole world of possibilities and untapped potential, in terms […]
What Planes Can You Fly With A Private Pilot License?

During your private pilot training, you will have spent the majority of your time flying in only one type of aircraft. This would typically be a single-engine, four-seater trainer, of either the high-wing or the low-wing variety. Once you get your pilot license, however, you may eventually yearn for expanding your horizons and flying bigger, […]